© assume vivid astro focus
  • Year 2002
  • Edition Edition 9/10 (+ 1 a.p.)
  • Material/Technique Single-channel video installation
  • Dimensions Own room
  • Length 5' 20'' loop
  • Category Media Art
  • Collection Sammlung Goetz, München

The music video Walking on Thin Ice was created by Eli Sudbrack (assume vivid astro focus) in collaboration with the video artist Bec Stupac and the transgender figure Carla Marchado. The performance is a reinterpretation of Yoko Ono’s eponymous song from the 1980s. The focus is on Marchado’s hyper femininity, which is staged with relish before the camera. The video begins with a peek behind the scenes in the dressing room, where Marchado is styled with colorful adhesive tattoos, make-up and glitter to create a dazzling fictional character. The imaginative motifs and patterns from the visual worlds of ‘assume vivid astro focus’ are mixed into the music video. The work is inspired by very different sources, ranging from comics, fashion, record covers, books and artworks to porn.

assume vivid astro focus

Polyester chiffon
117 x 117 cm
€ 30,00 limited edition
€ 35,00 signed limited edition

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