© Nathalie Djurberg & Hans Berg/VG BILD-KUNST Bonn

Alles ist gut

Nathalie Djurberg & Hans Berg

  • Year 2008
  • Edition Edition 2/4 (+ 2 a. p.)
  • Material/Technique Single-channel video (color, sound)
  • Dimensions Variable
  • Length 4' 42''
  • Category Media Art
  • Collection Sammlung Goetz, Medienkunst, München

Nathalie Djurberg engages in a cynical game between victim and perpetrator in her claymation film Alles ist gut. At first, the roles seem clearly defined. Four rough and tough-looking men—dressed in blue jeans and plaid shirts—hurl stones down a slope. Their actions are so reckless that they injure themselves. In the process, the stones develop a life of their own, expressing their feelings in comic-like speech bubbles. They encourage each other in passive resistance, thereby rendering themselves potential opponents. The film is accompanied by music by Hans Berg: a synthetic sound the composer developed using the sounds of rumbling stones.

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